Writing Articles On Popular Personal Tech Topics

After writing a large quantity of articles on personal tech, science, and the latest discoveries and research it had occurred to me that somewhere along the line science in the news media got hijacked by all of our personal technologies in toys. Now then, don’t get me wrong, some of the new technology that we have, especially all this mobile technology is wondrous indeed.

It helps us do everything we do more efficiently, except perhaps drive the car while we are trying to use it, and please don’t. We don’t need you to run over a pedestrian or cyclist, or get into a head-on collision, or drive off into a tree or ditch. If you do that you won’t be able to write many more articles online will you?

Okay so, back to my point; it’s okay to write about personal technology and the science behind it, but there’s a difference between writing about scientific facts and discoveries, and the personal technology sector. If you’re going to write about personal technologies might I suggest some of the following subtopics, as they’ve done very well for me;

Smart Phones
Tablet Computers
Consumer Reviews
Mobile Technology
Mobile Payment Systems
Social Networks and Mobile Tech

What I’m saying to you is this; there is plenty to write about in this venue, and the category is large enough to include a tremendous amount of sub subjects and subtopics. If you choose to write about “technology” regardless of what type, you should remind the reader of the type of technology you are discussing in the first sentence and the title should reference it too – do not waster the reader’s time.

Is it a personal mobile tech device, or are you talking about alternative energy technologies for instance? Indeed, when it comes to alternative energy that in and of itself has just is many or more subtopics to consider. The same goes for those who write about hard science, there are so many subcategories, and so many offshoots and applications for all of these researched findings and discoveries that you could never finish.

As soon as you got done with one subtopic, you’d find yourself with several more new items to discuss the very next day. Consider if you will the value of writing on these types of concepts, the number of articles you could produce, and the number of readers you could enlighten. Might I suggest to you that it is rather “unlimited” in that regard?

Perhaps this is why I have chosen to continue to produce quality online content along these lines of affairs. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and listen to some of my advice here as you prepare the very best quality content on personal tech. The reader deserves the best, and you should deliver it, even as you realize you can never actually finish, because there will always be more to write about tomorrow.

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